Festival Operations

Festival Operations

Capture and map sites before, during and after festivals to provide a visual record to aid in planning, training and compliance

Festival Operations

Festivals are dynamic, large-scale events that require detailed coordination and thorough documentation. From pre-event setup to post-event cleanup, keeping an accurate visual record of the site at every stage is crucial. Swyvl helps festival organizers achieve this by allowing them to upload and position 360-degree photos or still images on an interactive map, creating a private Google Street View-style experience.

With Swyvl, organizers can capture the state of the site before, during, and after the event. This visual record provides a valuable tool for future planning, staff training, dispute resolution, and ensuring site compliance. Whether it's documenting the condition of the site before equipment is brought in, reviewing the setup during the event, or proving that the site has been returned to its original state afterward, Swyvl streamlines the process, giving festival teams the insight and accountability they need.

Swyvl offers several key advantages for festival organizers looking to document and manage their event sites more effectively:

  • Pre-Event Documentation: Maintain a reliable visual record of the site’s original condition, including infrastructure and environmental features, which can be compared later to post-event conditions.
  • Clear Communication and Accountability: Centralize visual records on an interactive map, allowing stakeholders and teams to access accurate site information at every stage of the event.
  • Future Event Planning: Review detailed images from past events to help inform decisions for future festivals, ensuring better logistics and more efficient setups.
  • Staff Training and Inductions: Use real-world visual examples from past events to onboard and train staff, making site-specific knowledge easier to transfer to new team members.
  • Dispute Resolution: Swyvl provides objective visual records that can help resolve disputes about equipment placement, site damage, or execution issues during or after the event.
  • Operational Efficiency: Swyvl reduces the time spent rechecking or recalculating layouts, with past event data accessible in a centralized, visual format for quick reference.
  • Site Compliance and Environmental Stewardship: Capture pre- and post-event visuals to demonstrate compliance with local regulations, ensuring the site is returned to its original condition.
  • Enhanced Stakeholder Trust: Share visual records with landowners, sponsors, and authorities to build trust and credibility, facilitating smoother approval processes for future events.

Pre-Event Capture

  • Site Documentation: Capture 360 photos or still images of the event site using your preferred equipment, and upload them to Swyvl. Once uploaded, position the images on the map for an interactive, visual record of the site’s condition before setup begins.
  • Use Cases: This is particularly useful for documenting sensitive areas, such as grass, pathways, or existing infrastructure, which can later be compared to the post-event condition.

During the Event

  • Real-Time Event Mapping: Capture the evolving site layout throughout the event, then upload and position these images on Swyvl. This real-time mapping allows you to document how everything was set up, helping with future planning, training, and dispute resolution.
  • Staff Training: Use these images to induct and train staff for future events, showing them exactly how past festivals were organized and laid out.
  • Dispute Resolution: If disputes arise over the setup or execution of the event, the images on Swyvl provide an accurate, unbiased reference point.

Post-Event Capture

  • Site Remediation Proof: After the event has been packed up, capture 360 photos or still images of the site to demonstrate that it has been returned to its original condition. This visual proof is especially important for events held on public land or in environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Visual Report: Use the images as part of a post-event report for stakeholders, landowners, or local authorities, showcasing the site’s condition and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

Unlock the power of 360 photos