July 31, 2024

Swyvl unveiled in New Future Technology Program cohort

New Future Technology Program cohort unveiled to tackle intelligent performance

Swyvl unveiled in New Future Technology Program cohort

Stone & Chalk and KPMG Australia have unveiled the five startups selected for the fourth cohort of the Future Technology Program, focused on creating solutions in intelligent performance.

Australia’s fourth cohort of the Future Technology Program brings together five innovative startups tackling critical challenges faced by businesses today. These startups have developed emerging technology solutions that address pressing issues like boosting productivity, optimising business performance, streamlining overheads, and accelerating revenue growth.

Out of an impressive pool of 60 applicants, the five successful startups (Heatseeker, Bluesheets, Klaro, Swyvl and Insightech) will receive complimentary residency for 12 months at one of Stone & Chalk’s hubs located in the heart of Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide. They will receive guidance and support from KPMG’s diverse array of mentors and industry leads.

Sarah Vega, National Managing Partner, KPMG Futures commented: “Australia’s productivity has fallen 2% since 1995, posing significant economic challenges. In this climate, businesses are under pressure to boost efficiency. The startups we’ve identified offer innovative solutions to help Australian companies reimagine their approach to business performance, driving productivity and positioning themselves for long-term success in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.”

Stone & Chalk Group CEO, Chris Kirk said: “We’re thrilled to champion innovative startups revolutionising business performance in Australia with new technologies and business model innovation offering unprecedented efficiency gains. These startups provide solutions to boost productivity across operations. “Our collaboration with KPMG will accelerate each startup’s growth. The key is helping businesses understand how to leverage these innovations effectively, driving real value and maintaining Australia’s competitive edge globally.”

The five newly selected startups join an impressive cohort of 15 alumni who have successfully completed the program since its inception in 2022. Notable graduates include Arlula, a pioneering earth observation data management platform; Zondii, which offers real-time smartphone verification for the food and fibre industry; and Crewmojo, an innovative collaborative performance management platform. These success stories underscore the program’s track record in nurturing high-potential startups that are reshaping various sectors of the Australian economy.

For more information about the Future Technology Program, visit: www.stoneandchalk.com.au/future-tech-program

More about the successful startups:

Heatseeker — An all-in-one market research and experimentation platform that aims to help businesses find what customers want, so they can build the right technology. Its software provides Growth-Hacking-as-a-Service, enabling scaleups to test and learn in the market, identifying messaging that resonates with their users, and empowering them to acquire new customers and discover untapped areas of growth.

Bluesheets — An AI automation company with clients across Asia, ANZ, Europe and the US, which builds AI-driven workflows, incorporating IRIS to help companies reach new heights with real-time financial automation. Its technology helps businesses to achieve complete autonomous automation at present, whilst building rich, accurate and complete data sets essential for success in a data-driven future.

Klaro — An intuitive workspace that makes it easier for people with a non-technical or non-financial background to work with numbers and perform anything from simple calculations to advanced forecasting without an analytical background.

Swyvl — A transformative, web-based platform that simplifies the integration and visualisation of spatial data without the need for GIS specialists. This no-code solution is designed to democratise access to complex data sets, merging satellite imagery, photogrammetry, IoT inputs, and live data into a unified, interactive 3D mapping environment. Swyvl facilitates real-time analysis and collaboration, breaking down barriers between teams and data silos.

Insightech — Provides digital product owners, martech and analytics teams with clear user experience insights so they can prioritise and optimise AB testing and unlock the full potential of their website conversion funnel.

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